[postgis-users] Routing

Daniel Kastl orkney at gmx.de
Mon Jan 28 17:01:52 PST 2008

Hi Andrea,

Maybe the pgRouting Forum is a better place to ask this question:
http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/discussion (For sure I would have answered 
you there, too)
> Kanagawa table provided as example app, but I was guessing what makes 
> a table suitable for being "routed".
For routing with Dijkstra algorithm you only need a "valid" road network 
with information about source (start) and target (end) of each link. 
That's all, and you even don't need something like a geometry column.
> Kanagawa has a gid, a source and a target fields, a length field. 
> source and target represents the nodes, while gid represents the 
> branches (obviously there's a geometry column).
> Btw, in the tables I found of my town, Padova, I have found no one of 
> these fields or similar, even if who provided it said it was 
> "topologically correct". At this point I am missing what exactly this 
> means, if not that the rapresented geometry is a network of branches 
> and nodes.
If you already have data that has source/target information in the road 
link table, then you already have a valid "network topology" and don't 
need to create it. To be able to use heuristic Algorithm like Astar for 
example, you need geometry information as well.

Did this explanation help?

> Thanks
> Andrea Maschio
> http://www.superandrew.it <http://www.superandrew.it/>
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Daniel Kastl  Orkney, Inc.
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